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Web designing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


         1. You say, you will design a website for any animal lover at a

              No Profit basis.  Precisely how much will it cost me?

2.  A website for a mere Rs. 125/- per page?  Are you kidding?

3. Web designing is a costly affair and even a very small website costs a few thousand rupees.  How can you afford to give away websites which are almost free?  

4.  What does the amount of Rs. 125/- represent?  Is it the fee of the webmasters?

5.   What is the size of a website designed by you?  

6.   You do not seem to be getting any financial benefit out of this effort.  Why are you taking so much trouble for nothing? 

7.  I am a layman and do not know anything about internet. After I get a website, will you help me in other matters, such as getting a domain name, finding a host, uploading the site on a server, etc? 

8. I am an animal lover and need a website.  But I want to donate more than Rs. 125/- per page. Can I do it? 

9.   How can I send the requisite payment?

10. You seem to be very keen to provide water to birds and animals.  Can I help in this regard?   



Q. 1. You say, you will design a website for any animal lover on a No Profit basis.  Precisely how much will it cost me?


A.  Rs. 125/- per page.

Q 2. A website for a mere Rs. 125  per page? Are you kidding?

A.  We are not kidding. We are serious.  If you are an animal lover and want to get a website that contains material for the benefit of animals, we shall make it for you.  


Q 3. Web designing is a costly affair and even a very small website costs a few thousand rupees.  How can you afford to give away websites which are almost free?  

A. We did some research on the internet and were able to get hold of some beautiful templates that are free and can be used legally.  We also succeeded to rope in a couple of webmasters, who volunteered to create the websites free of charge, for the sake of animals.  


Q 4. What does the amount of Rs. 125/- represent?  Is it the fee of the webmasters?

A. It is NOT the fee of the webmasters.  As stated above, our webmasters will not be charging anything for their services.  However, creation of a website involves a number of miscellaneous expenses, such as expenditure on electricity, internet connection, maintenance of computers, PC consumables, and postal charges, etc. The amount will be utilized to meet these expenses, as far as possible.


Q 5. What is the size of a website designed by you? 

A. There are no limitations. You can have a website of a single page, or you can get a site with a thousand pages.  It is up to you.


Q 6. You do not seem to be getting any financial benefit out of this effort.  Why are you taking so much trouble for nothing? 

A. Please read: Why We Do It.  


Q 7. I am a layman and do not know anything about internet. After I get a website, will you help me in other matters, such as getting a domain name, finding a host, uploading the site on a server, etc? 

A. We shall gladly do it for you.   


Q 8. I am an animal lover and need a website.  But I want to donate more than Rs. 125  per page. Can I do it? 

A. Of course, you can.   The extra amount will be utilized by us for providing water to birds and stray animals, as well as for other welfare activities. 

Q. 9. How can I send the requisite payment?

A.  Please see the Mode of Payment.

Q 10. You seem to be very keen to provide water to birds and animals.  Can I help in this regard?   

A. You are most welcome to do it.  Please join We For Animals 

       If you have a question, which is not answered here, please

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